Saturday, 12 November 2011

Stuart Hall's Theory

Audience Positioning - Stuart Hall
Stuart Hall developed the concept of audience positioning as a result of examining news reports on industrial strikes. 
He claimed that media representations established a framework for possible responses – this is like setting an agenda for issues to be raised with audiences.
The responses to an audience watching a media text would be likely to fall into
three main categories:
 Dominant readings:
Audiences respond to the way narrative is constructed and adopt the points of view implied
Oppositional readings:
Audiences reject the way the narrative is constructed, question and challenge the points of view implied
Negotiated readings:
Audiences partially accept the way the narrative is constructed but can see both points of view:
the dominant and oppositional readings
Aberrant readings:
is an additional interpretation: where the text is read in a deviant and largely unanticipated
manner, the preferred reading not being recognised at all

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