Yesterday Andrea and I met up and went to Enfield Town to buy everything we needed for the parts we were going to film and went halves on it all. Once we finished buying all the things we needed we went back to hers to start organising. We bought six clocks for our clock scene which is going to be at the beginning of our music video, glitter, diamante heart stickers which we placed on the logo, balloons and a cake. I brought along my camera, tripod, clothes and petals.
We decided to use the logo i made for our 'band name' because we thought it worked best with our theme and also Andrea and others really liked it too. However, we incorporated Andreas idea of the cupids and added them onto the logo i made in order to have her idea and input in it too. We're really proud of our logo!
We wasted no time and started setting everything up. I set up the camera and done all the camera work mainly because i do photography which helps quite a lot and am quite good at filming. We started off with our intro which is where our logo is going to appear. We printed it out, stuck diamonte pink stickers on top of the pink hearts in order to make them stand out more and poured a mixture of pink, silver and purple glitter on top of it until the logo was covered and then Andrea blew it all off with a hairdryer. We done this a couple times just incase but we're both really happy with the outcomes. However, the process was not easy at all! We had to reposition the camera and logo several times until we got it to look perfect, plus we has a lot of cleaning up to do because the glitter went everywhere!
I took photos of what we were doing throughout so i can upload them on my blog and give you an idea of what everything looks like.
This is what our logo looked like when we stuck the diamonte heart stickers over the original hearts to make them stand out. And the two cupids on the end of the swirls of my design is Andreas incorporated idea.
Overall i'm really happy with the way it turned out. I might upoload a little clip of our introduction where we reveal our band name but if not you're going to have to see it in our draft or final music video!
Once we finished filming our 12 second introduction we moved on to our cake scene which involved smashing a cake. This goes with the lyrics 'except for the fact it was my birthday, my stupid birthday'.
Below are two photos of what the cake looked like before and after!
We're so happy with the outcome! We only had one cake which is why it was quite risky but it turned out excatly how we wanted it too. Andrea stood on a chair so that the cake smashed better when she threw it. I set up the camera and filmed, but before we filmed we had to get rid of the shaddows, we had a lot of issues with shaddows getting in the way of everything but we managed to work things out. We just pushed Andrea's chair back a bit so she lent forward instead. I think this is going to look really good in our music video. The funny thing about this is there's a little face in the cake if you haven't already noticed... two cherry eyes on the top and a cherry tongue sticking out :D
Here are some other photos i took in our clock scene which is also at the beginning of the song (first verse). This is Andrea's part where she sings 'It took to long x3 for you to call back and normally i would just forget that, except for the fact it was my birthday, my stupid birthday'.
This is what the layout of our clock scene looks like. Our original plan was to hang them up on the wall which we tried several times but a few kept falling and one clcok unfortunately broke as it fell of the wall and landed on the marbel floor :(
But it wasn't a massive problem because luckily we bought a good amount of clocks to work with. When the wall plan didn't work out i told Andrea that placing the clocks on the stairs would look quite quirky so we tried it and it does look really good in the clips.
Here are some photos of Andrea during her part, we went over the same thing several times in order to get a good amount of footage we can play around with.
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