Unfortunately i was not well enough to attend school yesterday which means i missed yesterdays lesson. I went on Andreas blog to see what she had done in the lesson, we had basically finished our music video a week ago but spent last friday tweaking small parts, Andrea went over our music video in the lesson and made sure everything was still in place and tweaked the little bits that needed fixing.
Although i missed the lesson yesterday i did however write up a detailed analysis of my music video in order to help me get used to using media terms and to become more familiar in structuring an analysis.
Below is our latest music video and my analysis:
Our music video is mainly set out on location e.g Sothend beach, Park (snow), Arcade etc however, we manipulated some of our locations to create the look we wanted for example, we set up our 'studio' scene with the use of musical equipment such as microphones, speakers etc at the back of Andreas kitchen to make it look like we were in a studio environment. We also set up my petal scene in my bedroom and tried to make it look like we were out on location with the dried rose petals and natural lighting. We chose to create this scene indoors in order to keep the petals in place as it was a windy day and would have been hard for us to keep everything in place.
Most of the colours we chose to use in our music video are quite bright and lively in order to convey fun and our quirky personalities. A good example of a colourful fun scene is when we are messing around at the arcade and the shots of the fair. Our music video is quite realist with our choice of locations, narrative and the use of our out take shots in our music video makes our product look more natural and real. However, it can aslo been seen as a little bizzare because of the editing we have done to our music video to create different effects.
I think that the style we have gone for is quite unexpected for the song we have chosen as the song is about a break-up so audiences would most probably expect the music video to be full of sadness, anger and the stereotypical heart broken girl and break-up story. We decided to do the complete opposite to what would be expected by the audience so we went for a fun, up-beat, quirky and girly style instead.
Costume & make-up:
Our colourful, stylish, quirky costume, make-up and image construct a fun representation of us, our personalities and our music video as a whole. We've used a lot of girly colours such as pink to appeal to our target audience of mid teens to young adult females.
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