Tuesday 30 August 2011


During my summer holiday I have watched countless amounts of music videos in order to gain more interesting ideas we can work up on for our own. Although i've watched a few on tv music channels youtube has been my main source of research mainly because I can watch whatever I like whenever I like and the amount of times I like. It's also quicker than sitting infront of the tv and watching every single music video until one that you like comes up.

Monday 1 August 2011


On the last day of school before the summer holidays (Thursday 21st July) Andrea and I went to the cinema to watch the movie everyone seemed to be talking about which was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 3D - part 2. If i'm honest when the movie first started i could barely keep my eyes open... nearly fell asleep quite a few times mainly because the opening dragged on a bit. Further into the film i started to become more interested. I actually thought it was a really good film once i got into it and started to understand what was going on.