Wednesday 13 July 2011

Filming Preliminary Video

Today was a long but extremely fun day. Andrea, My Boyfriend and I came back to mine after school to film our prelim in my room because that is where Lily Allen spends 30 seconds of her time in the video. We previously made a storyboard for it which Andrea brought along to make it easier and more organised for us to do. We had 16 shots to film in total and managed to get them all done. Andrea done the filming and I was Lily Allen along with a bit of my boyfriend in it. We made sure that we took our time and made it look as similar to the actual video as possible. Andrea and I even went out shopping today to buy some props for it. I bought gold earings, a gold necklace and a gold ring to go with the Lily Allen look and Andrea bought the chocolate and crisps that i had to eat several times during the filming process. We filmed the same shots several times till we got the best one. It's now ten to ten, Andrea left about twenty minutes ago... That's how long we spent on filming for our 30 second prelim video. It was fun to dress up for it and eat all the junk food! but most importantly it was good practice and fun for us both.

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