Friday 23 September 2011

Voyeurism In Music Videos

Definition of Voyeurism: 

- a person who obtains sexual pleasure or excitement from theobservation of  
someone undressing, having intercourse, etc

Forms of the Male Gaze

- The spectator's gaze: that of the spectator viewing the text, i.e. the reader(s)
of the text.  
- The Intra-diegetic gaze: in a text, a character gazes upon an object or
another character in the text.  
- The Extra-diegetic gaze: a textual character consciously addresses
(looks at) the viewer, e.g. in dramaturgy, an aside to the audience; in
cinema, acknowledgement of the fourth wall, the viewer.  
- The camera's gaze: is the film director's gaze.  
- The editorial gaze: emphasises a textual aspect, e.g. a photograph, 
its cropping and caption direct the reader(s) to a specific person, 
place, or object in the text.

    Laura Mulvey

    - Best known for her essay, "Visual Pleasure and Narrative 
    Cinema", written in 1973 and published in 1975 in the
    influential British film theory journal Screen  
    - Her article was one of the first major essays that helped
    shift the orientation of film theory towards a
     psychoanalytic framework, influenced by the theories 
    of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan.

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